Wednesday, January 20, 2010

So I had an interesting day yesterday...well, interesting for me anyway. I don't lead the most interesting life, which I thank God for everyday because I used to live in a soap opera.

I went to the doctor to try and get this hormone stuff under control. What did she tell me? "Kristen, you just got off birth control. Give it 6 months. On another note, you're a out more"

But she was pretty cool...and short...she made me sit on her swirly stool because I was too tall to examine. (Side note: I wonder if they make exam tables for short doctors. Must look into this to satisfy my own curiosity)

Went to work. Hiked, yes hiked, to the park pushing a double stroller with a couple of two and a half year olds in it. (Note to self: bulk up before having kids of your own...strollers are are heavier)

Since Doc said I needed to work out more, I decided to try out mat pilates at the local gym. Accidentally went on intermediate night instead of amature hour...almost died. I can barely walk today but Paul said I look skinnier so its all good.

Things that are perplexing me today:

~When my realtor communicates via purple scripted (and highlighted) emails, should I assume she's unprofessional? Or just weird enough to handle my eccintricities?

~What the heck is the difference between pre-qualifying and pre-approval??

~Why does Heidi Montag continue to pretend she's a real music artist? Yuck

Friday, January 15, 2010

Ahhh the blogging world...

I've been contemplating blogging for a few months. It could be a good outlet for my frustrations, feelings, and escapades...

...or it could just be something else I'll never get around to doing! We'll see!

Things I've been deeply contemplating today:

~Swear to you that Barely Breathing by LifeHouse says "may have lost my weiner"

~Girl Scout cookies are currently an obsession...getting some tomorrow for sure

~Do NOT like American NOT like morning radio shows that can speak of nothing else