Thursday, February 18, 2010

OH DANG! Its the PoPo!

So lately I've had some run-ins with the po-lice...

I know, I know, you thought I was past the irresponsible stage of my life. So did I.

Anyway, seems I have a foot that refuses to use the breaks at red lights and when getting on the highway.

A few weeks ago Paul called me to inform me that he got a cute little photo of my car from the gracious folks at the city of Bedford police department. I could've sworn that light was YELLOW and I let Paul know that. His response? "Kristen, I'm watching the video of you running the VERY red light online. Nice try."
I still claim ignorance on that one.

THEN! This morning I was just cruising on my way to work minding my own business when those dang lights started flashing behind me again! I honestly had no clue why I was being pulled over. The nice policeman informed me I was going almost 80 mph.
I claim ignorance on this one also.

Thankfully, he believed I was just not paying attention and didn't give me a ticket.

In other news, we put an offer on a house this week. We should hear back today! We could be home-owners soon :)

Cute eh?

Things I've learned about the law:

-When you get pulled over, pull over to the right...I think I missed this in drivers ed

-If you get a ticket for no insurance and don't go to get it dismissed, you will have to pay a surcharge fee to the state for 3 years. THIS STINKS!

-Police frown upon Mustangs in general. Remember this when car buying.