Monday, April 5, 2010

Casa Del Kibbe

I feel a bit faint...

...Its just that I've been deprived of the blogging world for so long!

Life has been utter chaos lately with work, school, church commitments, and now!!! the new house!!

Speaking of the new house, you've begged for pictures. Now I oblige! But only of the living room. Because I'm stingy like that.

Before: Just get a load of that wall color!
Looks awful with cherry wood floors!

That dude there is the best taper-offer in the world
aka my brother!

Look at those hard workers!

After: Pretty, no?

This lovely remodel was brought to you on the backs of Paul & Kristen Kibbe, Lana & Dudley King, Brad Riley and Kimberly Ann Mathis (who spent her birthday celebration day painting my house). They were paid in pizza. A round of applause is in order here folks!

This concludes this episode of Invade My Space.

PS And on a totally different note: Take a gander at all of the custom upgrades to the blog. Impressed? Have a blog? I'll fix you up for free if you'd like! Message me on facebook and we'll get at it. Let me know what you want done (ie: custom banner in any style - a scrapbook look, a more sleek photo design, whatever you come up with!; custom fonts; custom signature) even if you don't see it here.
Act quick! I'm only taking on one right now to help build up my portfolio.

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