Wednesday, January 20, 2010

So I had an interesting day yesterday...well, interesting for me anyway. I don't lead the most interesting life, which I thank God for everyday because I used to live in a soap opera.

I went to the doctor to try and get this hormone stuff under control. What did she tell me? "Kristen, you just got off birth control. Give it 6 months. On another note, you're a out more"

But she was pretty cool...and short...she made me sit on her swirly stool because I was too tall to examine. (Side note: I wonder if they make exam tables for short doctors. Must look into this to satisfy my own curiosity)

Went to work. Hiked, yes hiked, to the park pushing a double stroller with a couple of two and a half year olds in it. (Note to self: bulk up before having kids of your own...strollers are are heavier)

Since Doc said I needed to work out more, I decided to try out mat pilates at the local gym. Accidentally went on intermediate night instead of amature hour...almost died. I can barely walk today but Paul said I look skinnier so its all good.

Things that are perplexing me today:

~When my realtor communicates via purple scripted (and highlighted) emails, should I assume she's unprofessional? Or just weird enough to handle my eccintricities?

~What the heck is the difference between pre-qualifying and pre-approval??

~Why does Heidi Montag continue to pretend she's a real music artist? Yuck

1 comment:

  1. I dont think you need to lose weight but I'm not doctor lol and my doctors always tell me I need to stop complaining exercise lol for me having two kids and getting fat is not fun lol I just need all that plastic sugery to get skinny unlike Heidi I really need it for a reason lol and I agree she is a nut she sold 600 cds which I think even I could do that lol escp. with her being on the cover and look very scary of people magazine for once she made her husband look good. I have a super great double stroller (although I think it was recalled yesterday lol) from Graco it was 369 bucks but totally worth it I just figured out all though this wont help you if I put the heavier child in the back and the smaller one up front its so so easy to work lol and I have had it two years now I want the one that where they face year other face to face although it may cause more fighting then it worth when we get out taxes we are going to buy another one and also pre approval is what you should want Nick and I were all set to buy a home in my moms neighborhood but then Nick changed his mind which ended up being a blessing b.c we now live in st louis and with the loan we were doing we would have had to live there 3 years b4 we could sell and your lender should be explaining things to you call as much as you want they should not mind at all or your realtor I know we drove ours up the wall to look at this and that a million times with a million questions b.c we were doing a VA loan so good luck lady...and if you find a secret to losing weight that takes no exercise or diet mods let me know.

    Tiff Hairston
